Netball newbie joins Aotearoa Men’s team in merely months

The possibilities given by social media and online networking in this age is at an all-time high. It could be or simply your ability to market yourself through cyber networking that gets you your wage, however, the effort still comes since actually clicking that application is easier said than done. We all feel nerves rush through us before asking for a position anywhere – but what about if you were looking to get into something you had never done before? “I decided to give Netball a go this year and so happy I took that leap of faith. Being able to represent your country in any sport is always a huge honour. Experiences like that are ones that you’ll never forget”, sound advice from Amosa Faitaua-Nanai, just a sports shop employee in February and a now skilful shooter in Aotearoa Men, he knows exactly how to spot an opportunity.

All it took was a single Facebook post to direct Amosa in a new and compelling direction, one he had never really thought would capture him the way it did. His work hours now incorporate court collision with New Zealand’s National Silver Ferns, giving Amosa the passion to show how men can perform in the female-dominated netball space. It seems for Amosa, these moments to make power moves could keep on coming.

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